Great Podcasts to Get Into


Great Podcasts to Get Into

Something I get asked a lot is what kind of podcasts I listen to and why. I subscribe to a few different ones and for different reasons. But mostly I put on a podcast about what I feel I’m struggling with currently. It helps me target my focus and helps me unstuck myself in whatever area that is. Currently those areas are design, entrepreneurship, and the human psyche. I want to share some current favorites that have been on repeat lately along with some recommendations!


+ The Futur
- Great for freelance creatives no matter the discipline. The Futur’s podcasts are centered toward educating designers (formally trained or not) about the business of design. I love their Youtube channel and especially follow Melinda Livesy’s episodes. Check out Running a Creative Business and Can You Charge to Diagnose? !

+ Logo Geek
- A podcast dedicated to logo design, the process and all the ups and downs in between. Ian Paget, founder of UK based podcast Logo Geek, interviews creatives from big names in the industry to my hometown heroes Melissa Yaeger on her One Concept Approach and San Diego’s own Myles Mendoza of HRO Design on his work for Disney, Hasbro and many others.

+ Let’s Talk Branding
- Covering topics on Brand Workshop, Customer Research, and Creative Strategy and The Business of Design with Douglas Davis, Let’s Talk Branding, founded by Stef Hamerlinck, has an entire archive of insights and interviews with creative legends while giving real-world applications.


+ The Chase Jarvis Live Show
- Founder of Creative Live (FREE online classes!), Chase Jarvis’ show dives deep into creative and business concepts, how we can bridge the gap and find meaning in the struggle. I really appreciate Chase’s framework for his podcasts as they really explore the minds of so many legends, their great successes, the struggle to get there, and what piece of wisdom can they give to future creative generations. Highly recommend checking out How Introverts Become Great at Promoting Their Work, Reset Your Money Mindset, and YES is for Wimps. Get Used to Hearing NO and How to Build Real Confidence with Mel Robbins. No individual links available but they’re all in the player in the podcast homepage!

+ Freelance to Founder
- A podcast by Millo ,a great blog with tons of information helping freelancers and solopreneurs create sustainable and scalable businesses (whoo! that was long), Freelance to Founder interviews freelancers and solopreneurs on how they successfully scaled their business and became extremely profitable.

+ Secrets of Wealthy Women
- A podcast by The Wall Street Journal, Secrets of Wealthy Women shares success stories and pro-tips on financial wellbeing from some badass career women. Topics such as Money Secrets With Millenial Experts, The Business of Speaking Your Mind, and Breaking the Stained Glass Ceiling are just a few posts that I personally really enjoyed and found tons of value in.

Life and Introspection:

+ The Psychology Podcast - Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman
- Probably my favorite at the moment. The Psychology Podcast, while very clinical in nature, is a great resource for those looking for some introspection. I find myself listening to a few of his podcasts on repeat and really feel like they help me make sense of the world around and inside me. Some favorites are Everyday Creativity, Ignite Your Character Strengths, A Mindful Approach to Non-Violent Communication, How to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones, and How To Be Yourself.

I’m always on the hunt for new ones! Leave your favorite podcasts and why at the comments below!


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