3 Podcasts for Women Entrepreneurs

5 Podcasts for Women Entrepreneurs - Celestine Fabros.jpg

3 Podcasts for Women Entrepreneurs

Week four of quarantine, how are you doing? Have you gone through Netflix twice over and started your Disney+ trial? Me too. We’re slowly running out of things to watch and I don’t know about you but I need to switch things up to get me out of this endless loop!

While we’re all trying to find our new baseline, something that’s helped me cope is to go out for long walks (in isolation of course) and just binge on all the podcast episodes from my favorite women entrepreneurs. It’s given me something positive to focus on and get excited by even though I’m not feeling inspired or productive. It’s also just downright therapeutic and gets me in the best mindset.

Right now I’m doing Marie Forleo’s B-School so I’ve been knee-deep in that, but I’m also diving into these great podcasts that help me get through the day, especially in these times. Here are some podcasts I highly recommend if you’re looking to feast yours ears on all things personal and professional development during COVID-19.

The Game-Changer Podcast

Katie’s podcast has been an absolute favorite of mine lately. She tackles high level business thinking and I always leave her podcast feeling energized and inspired to start implementing what I’ve learned immediately. I’ve probably listened to each of her episodes at least four times and I still get new insights every time I go back for another listen.

Unlocking Us

Dr. Brené Brown’s new podcast is also becoming a new favorite. I love that she unpacks large life concepts like Grief and Vulnerability. Her recent podcast called Anxiety. Calm + Over/Under-Functioning has been playing on repeat. She tackles day-to-day anxiety and how we can cope.

Online Marketing Made Easy

I gotta admit, I was hesitant in the beginning. Not that I didn’t think there was TONS of value, but it was more because I felt like I wasn’t in the season of my business for me to dive into online marketing. I always dreaded this part but Amy’s podcast makes learning so easy and actionable. She currently has a COVID-19 series where she discusses how us as creative business owners can still do meaningful work even in a time of crisis.


I know your ears, mind, heart and business will thank you for it. I hope you enjoy and happy listening!


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