Freelancing During COVID-19

Max and I volunteering at Creative Mornings | Photo by Alyssa Cowell

Max and I volunteering at Creative Mornings | Photo by Alyssa Cowell


How I’m Working Through COVID-19

The world is being to called to unite against an invisible enemy that’s causing havoc and turning lives upside down. I find myself lost - in between staying put, trying to find some kind of normalcy, still showing up for my clients, and trying not to think these are the end of times. I’m all over the place. To be honest, I wasn’t sure at all that I wanted to write this blog, let alone do anything. I’ve talked with freelancer friends who are in a state of limbo right now and I can’t help but feel afraid for the future.

But then I remembered a famous quote, (queue Wanda Sykes in Broad City) this too shall pass - and I immediately felt some relief. I know we’re all just figuring it out day by day. But to be reminded that this isn’t forever, that we’re going to be OK as long as we choose to keep going, was such a welcomed statement that I thought I’d share in case you needed it too.

~ Breathe ~
this too shall pass

Here are three things we all can do as freelancers to help us get through these difficult times:

Buddy system
Open for business? Announce it


Buddy System
There’s strength in numbers, guys. While I’m not feeling 100% and sort of want to sit this one out, I can’t not work. I’m very grateful to have a safety net for times like these, but I’d rather try to get some income in if I can help it. I know you know this feeling too. I lost my footing for a second there but I’m determined to keep going. So as much as I’d love to sit this one out, I decided it would be better (for both my biz and sanity) if I teamed up with other designers. We can join forces, offer each other support, and remain open for business. I’m working with Denise of Denise Gee Designs for branding and my fiance Max for ads and web design. Teaming up together will enable us to tackle larger projects and help more businesses.

Open for Business? Announce it
People are overwhelmed and are looking for help. If your doors are open, let people know. You never know who might be looking for the exact thing you’re sharing. People are hurting and just want to feel better and hang on to something positive. If you have something you can teach or resources to share, then it’s your duty to let people know that there’s relief. This can be as easy as putting up an announcement bar, a landing page or even a simple social post to let people know you’re open for business.

I also understand if you’re feeling icky about being open for business right now. I felt that way too. But then I realized that there’s a whole group of people out there that are really needing help with something I can help with, and it would be a disservice to them if I chose not to show up now out of all times.

I haven’t leaned into my gratitude journal this much until now. The last few days have been tough, especially after hearing some of your personal hardships. I’m with you and I understand that you’re emotionally drained too. We’re all going through it and it’s hard. But making space for gratitude and journaling has been key to trying to remain positive. I love my Five Minute Journal because it helps me frame my day with gratitude and reflection in a time of chaos.

If you’re in San Diego or you work with teams remotely, has a huge list of service providers that are offering support to small businesses right now. Check out their For Hire page for more details.

How are you choosing to show up right now?
What measures are you taking to help your business get through this?
What can I do to help?

Let me know in the comments below and I hope you and yours are safe and healthy. We’re in this together, and remember, this too shall pass.


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